I have a new camera! Now I'll be posting random photos of my days, usually bike related.
Today's photos are items that all New Mexicans know by site, smell, and most importantly, taste: The Breakfast Burrito and Coffee:
Chuck full of simple carbohydrates for that quick burst of energy you'll need sitting at your office computer, or for that break-time bike ride for some good quality coffee or lunch. The quality of the 505 burrito varies from heavenly to, well, hellish. This particular breakfast bomber was procured from Whole Foods. There's a lot of good stuff at Whole Foods. Breakfast burritos isn't one of them. The Santa Fe Whole Foods breakfast burrito is too watered down, the green chili isn't hot enough, and the clumps of potatoes are too large and too hard, and where's the eggs? The cheese?
One of the first real useful thing that my rear rack assisted me with was:
The bike rack is a great coffee holder! Coffee in Santa Fe is like coffee everywhere on the planet. This cup came from Whole Foods, too. WF coffee is good; a counter point to their breakfast burrito. The best coffee, though, comes form Ohari's:

Don't let those lightning bolts fool you; they're real. One sip and BAM! You're good for the day. I don't know, at this point, how coffee effects my bike ride except to say that I'm unusually thirsty after a cup. I just did a google search for coffee and biking in the hopes of finding information on effects of caffeine and physical exercise and discovered: Mr. Scharf's World Famous Bicycle Coffee Systems, where I further discovered:


Coffee Bicycle Bell
Despite these interesting trinkets and thoughts of how a cup of coffee functions in the cup holder when you're out of your saddle and "dancing on the peddles", I found a web site citing a study that:
So, I guess it is safe to drink your coffee or quadruple espresso but you might be a tad edgy during the morning traffic rush.
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